Taking a “Brain Break” This Winter Break with Creative Montessori Academy

Taking a brain break this winter with creative montessori academy

Winter Break is finally upon us at Creative Montessori Academy! As our students head home for the holidays, we couldn’t be more excited to see family and friends, relax and prepare for the last half of what has been an amazing school year thus far. While this is a time for relaxation and restoration, we know how difficult it can be for students to stay engaged with their schoolwork over break. We have compiled a few ideas and activities below that will keep your students’ brains active over break.


Make Time to Read

The first activity that will keep your student thinking this Winter is to spend time reading! A trip to the local library is perfect for a snowy day and allows your student to learn more about what they learn in class. Finding 20 minutes a day to read makes all the difference in the classroom and keeps students prepared for the first day back!


Online Educational Games

Whether you have a personal computer at home, can visit the local library or can play on a phone, there are a slew of internet games designed to teach students on subjects from foreign languages to geometry! Here are just a few of our favorite resources: Lumosity, ABCMouse, Duolingo, and Cool Math Games.


Spend Time Outdoors

According to the National Institute of Health, physical activity is linked to improved cognitive and brain function. For our school community, that means activities like building a snowman, sledding, making a snow fort or even simply going for a walk can be refreshing and great for the brain!


Make Educational Experiences

The last tool we have to give students a break from their normal learning is to visit a local Museum or Exhibit. This is such a great way to learn in a more interactive and visual way. They can make connections to things they are learning in the classroom, or even better, something new!

We know that our break from school is a time to relax for students, staff and parents alike. We hope that with the tools listed above our students can come back to Creative Montessori Academy both excited and prepared to learn more. There is plenty going on at our school this Winter, so be sure to keep up with us over break on social media and our blog.