Prep for Success with CMA

CMA July Blog

Summer at CMA is flying by! We have been keeping busy with preparations for the fall, and are looking forward to welcoming everyone back to school for another great school year. While we are excited to return to learning together, we hope our students and their families have been enjoying a time of rest and summer activities. 

As we start to think about the transition back to school, we want to encourage our community to consider shifting into a routine that will equip everyone with the habits necessary for a successful progression back into the rhythm of the school year.

Here are some practices to consider implementing to guide your scholar back into a school-conscious routine: 

  1. Slowly ease back into a sleep schedule that reflects your student’s school routine. Sleep habits often look different in the summer than they do during the school year, and waiting until the last minute (or the first day of school) to shift from one to the other can be difficult. To avoid a drastic jump between the two, consider slowly reverting back to waking up early and getting plenty of sleep.

  2. Take inventory of existing school supplies and be on the lookout for a list of materials your student will need for the upcoming year. Gathering supplies that can be reused before going back to school shopping can help identify what does not need to be repurchased, as well as limiting any last-minute searching for items your scholar will need on the first day back.

  3. Discuss your child’s goals for the upcoming school year. Setting goals before school is back in full swing can help everyone begin to shift their mindsets toward academic growth and spark motivation leading up to the fall.

  4. Watch our school social media pages to stay updated on back to school information and dates. As the start of school approaches, our Facebook page will be kept up to date with necessary updates. Be sure to connect with us there, as well as keeping an eye on our website for important information about the start of the school year! 

Until we officially welcome everyone back to CMA in the fall, we hope the rest of summer break is filled with lots of fun experiences and time in the sun. We can’t wait to hear all about it when we see you again soon!